
June 2023

Summer youth programs hope to draw in more Columbus kids

By: Anna Hoffman | June 27th, 2023

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — Summer break is underway for central Ohio students, and this year, Columbus is making a $20 million-plus investment in youth programs with the goal of reducing violence.

In the last week, Columbus Police responded to at least five shooting incidents involving teenagers.

The Mothers of Murdered Columbus Children and the Columbus Urban League both received funding from the city. Leaders of both organizations said they’ve had more youth get involved this summer than in previous years.

They also believe their message is getting through, and hope the teens spread the word.

“I think just having them under our wing is keeping them out of a lot of trouble,” said Karla Harris, co-founder of Mothers of Murdered Columbus Children.

Harris said more teens are wanting to become involved, which is why it is expanding its programming.

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