Request for Proposals (RFP)

The Columbus Urban League (CUL) invites interested parties to submit a proposal to develop and facilitate work readiness skills, resiliency training and strength-based life skills development curriculum. The consulting service will assist CUL with providing Workforce Training and Career Services participants with work readiness skills, behavior modification, and strength-based personal awareness training that foster increase in subject matter competency, mindset transformation, and bridge workforce service gaps. The consultant will work with CUL to provide subject matter expertise regarding program development, recruitment and implementation to meet outcomes related to financial and economic mobility leading to self-sufficiency for participants including individuals with justice-involved history. Review documents for more information.

Important Dates
November 5, 2019 RFP questions to deadline 3:00 P.M. EST
November 8, 2019 Proposal deadline 4:00 P.M. EST
November 30, 2019 Notice of award to selected vendor

Download the RFP Document Here
Download Forms