
October 2021

Ohio experts discuss the labor shortage in Columbus Conversation

Courtesy of The Columbus Dispatch
By Amelia Robinson
October 26, 2021

Help wanted signs are everywhere across Columbus, Ohio and the U.S., but unemployment rates still haven’t returned to pre-pandemic levels. What is going on?

The Dispatch assembled a panel of experts to have a discussion about the reasons behind this broad labor shortage, its impact and possible solutions. The free live discussion was Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

Here’s who’s on the panel:

Shawn Hendrix, president of Nissen Chemitec America and the Central Ohio Manufacturing Partnership
Stephanie Hightower, CEO of the Columbus Urban League
Bill LaFayette, owner of Regionomics
Dwobeng Owusu-Nyamekye, dean of the College of Professional Studies and assistant professor of management at Wilberforce University
Rance Robinson, entrepreneur, real estate and photography
Sheila Trautner, president of Taste Hospitality Group and board chair of the Ohio Restaurant Association