Message from Stephanie Hightower, President & Chief Executive Officer

Dear Friends and Partners,

Dr. Martin Luther King once said: “It all boils down to the fact that we must never allow ourselves to become satisfied with unattained goals. We must always maintain a kind of divine discontent…”

Divine discontent speaks to the unrelenting belief that we can and must do better, that no calling matters more than contributing to our collective and individual best.

I echoed Dr. King this past December when speaking at The Ohio State University’s December commencement. I urged tomorrow’s leaders to be unstoppable, to never waver when striving to grow themselves or their impact.

I know unstoppable people. They cross the doors of your Columbus Urban League every day looking to improve their lives, support their families and uplift their community.

Let us honor one of our country’s most positive influential leaders by recommitting ourselves to unstoppable divine discontent.

Yours in service,


Stephanie A. Hightower

President and Chief Executive Officer