My Brother's Keeper SuperChef Academy

Event Date: November 20, 2021
Event Time: Noon to 2:30 p.m.
Location: Columbus State – Mitchell Hall, 224 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43215
Registration: Click here (space is limited)

The City of Columbus’ My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Village is partnering with Columbus State Community College and the Columbus Urban League for this academic and career pathway enrichment opportunity in the field of Culinary Arts.

The collaboration will feature Celebrity Chef, Darnell “SuperChef” Ferguson, who will share his journey and experiences that has made him an in-demand media talent traveling the world to showcase his culinary skills. Chef Ferguson is a Columbus native and Columbus City Schools graduate (Briggs High School). After taking a wrong turn along his journey, Chef Ferguson found himself on a self-destructive path, leaving him homeless, in and out of jail, and unemployed for nearly a year. A pivotal moment in Chef Ferguson’s life was when he remembered someone speaking about being a statistic and never recovering once you enter the system. He did not want to be another statistic, and knew the only way to get out of the system was to focus and become serious about something he loved and could do well. He eventually went to Sullivan University in Kentucky, and graduated with a degree in the Culinary Arts.

Chef Ferguson currently owns three restaurants, along with other business ventures, but his true passion is bringing awareness and opportunities to the culinary field for people of color.

An outcome of the one day SuperChef Culinary Academy is to not just highlight the disparities within the culinary field, but also provide an opportunity for participants to understand how they can be a solution, and what local resources are available to help them reduce disparities.

Click to register (space is limited).

The event will begin at Noon on November 20, 2021 and will be held in Mitchell Hall
on the campus of Columbus State Community College (224 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215).