Types of Certification - Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

The State of Ohio’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) program is designed to assist minority businesses in obtaining state government contracts through a set aside procurement program for goods and services.

The State of Ohio developed the program because it is committed to making all state contracts, services, benefits and opportunities available without discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or ancestry.

Eligibility Requirements

The business owner must be members of one or more of the following groups:

  • African-Americans
  • American-Indians
  • Hispanics
  • Asians

Additional eligibility requirements

  • The business must be a for-profit entity.
  • The company must have been in business at least one year prior to applying for certification. This requirement shall not apply to joint venture applicants.
  • The business must be at least 51 percent owned and ultimately controlled by one or more of the person(s) belonging to the following groups: African-Americans, American-Indians, Hispanics and Asians for one year prior to applying for certification.
  • The owner of the business must be an Ohio resident.
  • The owner of the business must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Possess requisite knowledge of the business and industry in which he/she is applying.
  • Have day-to-day control over the business and must exercise final authority over all aspects of the daily operations of the business, including, but not limited to operations, financial, business management, human resources and policy decisions.
  • Demonstrated capability and/or expertise within classifications identified for a period of one year prior to certification.
  • Possession of all licenses, permits and authorities required by law to perform the scope of work within classifications requested.

Ready to Apply for Certification?

If so, follow these steps… If not, call us or fill out the form on the right:

The applicant must complete a Unified Application through the Ohio Business Gateway and provide supporting documentation as required. Only complete applications, including all required supporting documentation, will be reviewed. Applications are subject to on-site review by state compliance officers. Upon application approval, the company receives its certification by email.

The processing time for completed applications may vary. However, we offer assistance to expedite the process through our “fast track” system. While the exact timeframe may differ, this system aims to significantly reduce application processing time. To qualify for “fast track” processing, applicants must submit their application through one of the regional Minority Business Assistance Centers, such as ours, and the applicant must have a pending contract award that requires certification or be a candidate for and in need of financing or bonding where certification is a requirement.

For a tutorial of how to access the MBE application, please review this video.

Special Thanks to our partners:

  • Ohio MBAC
  • Ohio Department of Development

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