I Am My Brother’s Keeper (IAMBK)
Empowering Our Youth
I Am My Brother’s Keeper (IAMBK) from your Columbus Urban League offers a holistic array of enriching and transformative experiences to young men of color, enhancing their abilities and giving them the skills, connections and supports that contribute to a healthy, productive life.
We engage with middle and high school students throughout the City of Columbus, and offer fun, healthy safe experiences during the school year and throughout the summer, building academic, career, artistic, and physical strengths. IAMBK cross-pollinates with other Columbus Urban League initiatives, placing our young men in summer internships, hands-on digital learning opportunities, drug, alcohol and violence prevention activities and other initiatives based upon their individual needs.
Every young man in IAMBK during the 2022-23 school year showcased academic progress and successfully advanced to the next grade level.
Learn more by connecting with us via email at IAMBK@cul.org or call us at either IAMBK South at 380-239-3082 or IAMBK East at 380-239-1505.