CUL’s Financial Empowerment Services
Financial stability is the foundation for a better life, and our mission is to provide participants with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to take control of their finances. We are committed to ensuring that everyone can be part of a financially empowered community.
CMHA Community Connections: With our partners from the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority, we aim to help residents climb out of poverty and/or reduce their reliance on government assistance. Participants must be CMHA residents and/or a Section 8 voucher holder. Learn more
Homebuyer Education: Coaches at CUL use HUD-approved curriculum and tools to educate and counsel hundreds of families annually on how to budget, save, improve credit and, ultimately, qualify for home loans. We offer virtual homebuyer education courses one Saturday every month and course graduates earn a certificate for use with down payment assistance. Learn more
Housing Accelerator: COVID-19-related rental assistance is no longer available, yet many still face deep rental debt and fear of eviction and the loss of basic housing security. Supported by KeyBank, CUL’s Housing Accelerator aims to assist individuals in their move to neighborhoods of choice. Learn more
Journey to Wealth: Regardless of your income, this financial literacy and empowerment program has something to offer anyone that wants to build financial knowledge, skills and achieve wealth goals (ranging from home ownership to financing college to investments). Learn more