FRESH Summer 2024 Interest Form

Welcome, Parents and Guardians!

We’re thrilled to invite you to be a part of our exciting FRESH Summer Initiative for 2024! Your child’s growth and enrichment are our top priorities.

Kindly take a moment to fill out our interest form below as the first (1) step on this journey.

Step two (2) requires our team to reach out to you with the necessary paperwork in order for your child(ren) to participate. After you compete step one, keep an eye on your email for next steps.

FRESH Summer is a free program and is slated to run from June 10th through August 2nd!

Together, we’ll create unforgettable learning experiences! 




Our entries have surpassed program capacity. We are working through applications submitted so far and will reopen the form if additional spots are available. -CUL staff