
May 2020

Columbus Urban League Young Professionals, led by President Nick Bankston, Call for a ‘Black Out’ Day

May 31, 2020

Columbus , Ohio – Today, the Columbus Urban League Young Professionals, led by President Nick Bankston, called for a national economic protest, a day when non-essential African American employees forego going to work.  The following is a statement from Stephanie Hightower, President & CEO of the Columbus Urban League:

“I stand with our young professionals and their call for a ‘Black Out’ day. Recent protests and controversies around the country should not diminish nor dull the critical issue: We have a moral imperative as Americans to collectively stand up, speak out and stop bigotry now.

“I implore our major employers and business leaders to lean in and lift up our families, white, black and brown. This cause and these events echo those that led to the creation of the United States 244 years ago, when one of our founders said we should hang together, or surely hang alone.”

“Let’s be sure that our pursuit of justice and equity resounds far more loudly today and tomorrow, than the deafening silence too often chosen in our past.”

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