
October 2021

Columbus authorities criticize issue 7

Courtesy of Ohio News Time
October 29, 2021

This issue will cost $ 87 million to be used from the general resources of the Columbus City Budget’s general resources to what the petitioner calls a clean energy effort.

Columbus, Ohio — Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther calls No. 7 one of the biggest scams in urban history.

If the problem goes through, $ 87 million will come from the city’s general financial resources.

According to the petition, the money will be overseen by the Group Pro Energy and directed to the creation of the Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Fund and the Clean Energy Education and Training Fund. The petition also mentions efforts to support minority-owned businesses.

“Proponents of this dark money issue don’t want you to know what it really is, or who they are,” said President Shannon Hardin of the Columbus City Council. “They use flower-like language to talk about renewable energy and minority businesses.”

City leaders joined state and community leaders on Wednesday, condemning issue 7 and urging voters to reject it.

“Honestly, it’s only supported by five people trying to steal our taxes. They think they’re right, without transparency, oversight, or accountability. I’m trying to spend it on things, “said Mayor Ginther.

The NAACP’s local chapters, as well as representatives of the Columbus Urban League and the religious community, oppose it.

“This is rude to the minority community and rude to minority business owners who are already struggling,” said Stephanie Hightower, president of CUL.

10TV sought to contact all surviving petitioners listed in the official records. One is now dead.

Only Tyrone Spence could be contacted by phone. The other numbers were either non-functional or incorrect.

Spence confirmed his relationship with Issue 7, but refused to answer any further questions. Some follow-up phones went directly to the Spanish recording.

The address listed on Christina Gonzalez was a vacant house with a “sold out” sign that year.

Irene Gil Llamas wasn’t at home, but spoke with 10TV reporter Brittany Bailey at the Ring Doorbell. She confirmed that she was tied to issue 7, but said she couldn’t answer any more questions because she was at work.

The message left at the law firm representing the petitioner was also not returned.