
March 2021

1,690 new COVID-19 cases reported in Ohio Saturday

Courtesy of WSYX / WKRC
March 27, 2021

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — The Ohio Department of Health reported 1,690 new COVID-19 cases, 37 new hospitalizations on Saturday. Death data is delayed and only updated periodically.

The updated numbers bring the cumulative totals to 1,010,603 coronavirus cases with 52,687 cumulative hospitalizations and 18,526 total deaths.

960,697 people were presumed recovered by the state as of March 27. Recovered is categorized as cases with a symptom onset date of over 21 days who have not died.

The seven-day average percent positivity is now at 3.3% as of March 24. In December, it reached 16%.

Ohio fell under 1,000 hospitalized COVID-19 patients on March 5. On March 26, the number was 944 and was rising steadily the past week.

As of March 26, 26.67% of Ohio’s population has started at least their first vaccine dose.

Ohioans as young as 40-years-old and those with certain health conditions have been eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine for about a week.

Starting Monday, anyone 16 and older may get vaccinated.

People have still reported struggles with finding an appointment.

Black and brown communities have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. The Columbus Urban League paired up with OhioHealth Saturday to give out 240 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to community members on Mt. Vernon Avenue.

“We want more people, because of those disparities to come and get vaccinated so we don’t lose more people in our community,” Columbus Urban League President Stephanie Hightower said. “We know the life expectancy for black people has gone down again because of COVID-19.”

“OhioHealth’s goal is to allow equal access to the vaccine,” Operations Director Becca Barbeau said. “We are really trying to focus on zip codes that may not have the means to reach the vaccine.”

OhioHealth noted that the supply and demand of vaccines can make getting an appointment frustrated. The hospital system says to keep trying.